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IPT-1U Internet Paging Terminal

Internet Paging Terminal

The Hark IPT is a hardware device that merges the functionality of the ISI and IPG into one device. It accepts paging traffic via the Internet using one of the following protocols: HTTP (web), SMPP, SMTP (email), SNPP, or WCTP. Incoming messages are routed to the outgoing serial port based on ID blocks. Outgoing serial protocols supported are: GCP (Glenayre Computer Protocol), TAP, and TNPP.

In addition the IPT performs the passthrough features of the ISI. A serial port can be configured for passthrough and the RS-232 traffic will be encapsulated and sent over a network connection to another IPT or to an Omega server.

By combining the functionality of the ISI and IPG into one device we have been able to save on costs and pass these savings on to you. Please call or email for a quote.


  • Hardware Based
  • Uses Embedded Linux as the Multitasking OS
  • Secure access for Configuration and Maintenance using SSH or RS-232 console port
  • Accepts GCP, HTTP, SMPP, SMTP, SNPP, TAP, TNPP, and WCTP from network
  • Also receives GCP, TAP, and TNPP via built-in RS-232 ports
  • Sends messages via serial port to local terminal using GCP, TAP, or TNPP
  • Also sends messages via network to SMPP, SMTP, SNPP, WCTP, and WCTP/SSL
  • Connects to Internet using Ethernet Network
  • Supports the ISI passthrough mode for ISI replacement
  • Can be Configured to use 1 to 4 Serial Ports
  • No moving parts such as hard drives or fans to wear out

System requirements

  • Internet connection
  • DB-9 serial cables